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Computational Biology for Biochemical Experiments (C.B.B.E.) INDIA
CBBE: Computational Biology for Biochemical Experiments, is a Government (Indian) registered (UP50D0003373) unit for providing customized computational support in the area of ‘Experimental/in-silico Bio-chemical Research’.
If you belongs to innovative research domain of Chemistry/ Biology/ Biochemistry/ Molecular biology/ Biotechnology/ Drug-Designing/ Novel molecule identification/ Lead-optimization like areas; then CBBE is for you. It is committed to ensure a innovative support to biochemical research community of India by addressing the worldwide need for customized computational analysis, technical support and innovative ideas generation for researcher defined problem. It has harnessed the power of machine learning through affordable innovation to enhance access to new and differentiated intellectual support for diseases analysis and designing/ generation of novel compounds for human healthcare.
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